hahahahaha - TN spends airline miles flying in strong GMs and paying them all of the league money they get and fail to remember that you can't win a match based on 1 board.Great theory and poor practicality from Todd Andrews....
Pessimists will always be among us... one loss and some anonymous moron starts knockin on Tennessee... Tennessee bringing in world class players makes the entire league look better and strengthens its chance at existence... these anonymous nay-sayers must only want to see the league crumble, probably due to their own short comings as a human being
Apparently you are an anonymous moron yourself. No one was criticizing the league and your own short coming in the ability to read and interpret information lead to your incorrect analysis.If any critique of the league were to exist from this scenario it would be allowing players that have no ties to a state to play for that state. The decision to use hired guns to pray that a match is won with wins on the top boards is just poor planning. So the critique is on the individual(s) that chose this route and in the mean time most likely are alienating the rest of the team where their league monies are being spent on the hired guns.
Enough, gentlemen. (I assume the posters here are men; women don't usually write such immature things.)Let's keep it civil and cut the ad hominem remarks. I'll leave these up for the time being, but anymore comments like this may be subject to deletion.This is the friendly Midwest, after all. If you want to fight there are plenty of East Coast blogs for that. (No offense meant to the East Coast--I'm a New York native, for the record--just an observation of fact.) As Susan says: "Win with grace, lose with dignity."
you know, I once heard it said that sometimes controversy isn't a bad thing...but I have something to say to all of the courageous and brilliant anonymous commentators out there--- if you want to be controversial, at least have the stones (can I say "stones" on the Blaze Blog?) to attach your name to it. For example, I have heard very little said of perhaps one of the most significant changes in the Blaze attack that led to victory against the Tennessee compared to the two opening defeats. In the 3rd season match, Dan Parmet stepped up as the head team manager playing a technically superb and inspirational role. Does this mean that Glenn Panner might become the Chicago Blaze's version of past NY Yankee first baseman Wally Pipp? Only time will tell....
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hahahahaha - TN spends airline miles flying in strong GMs and paying them all of the league money they get and fail to remember that you can't win a match based on 1 board.
Great theory and poor practicality from Todd Andrews....
Pessimists will always be among us... one loss and some anonymous moron starts knockin on Tennessee... Tennessee bringing in world class players makes the entire league look better and strengthens its chance at existence... these anonymous nay-sayers must only want to see the league crumble, probably due to their own short comings as a human being
Apparently you are an anonymous moron yourself. No one was criticizing the league and your own short coming in the ability to read and interpret information lead to your incorrect analysis.
If any critique of the league were to exist from this scenario it would be allowing players that have no ties to a state to play for that state.
The decision to use hired guns to pray that a match is won with wins on the top boards is just poor planning.
So the critique is on the individual(s) that chose this route and in the mean time most likely are alienating the rest of the team where their league monies are being spent on the hired guns.
Enough, gentlemen. (I assume the posters here are men; women don't usually write such immature things.)
Let's keep it civil and cut the ad hominem remarks. I'll leave these up for the time being, but anymore comments like this may be subject to deletion.
This is the friendly Midwest, after all. If you want to fight there are plenty of East Coast blogs for that.
(No offense meant to the East Coast--I'm a New York native, for the record--just an observation of fact.)
As Susan says: "Win with grace, lose with dignity."
you know, I once heard it said that sometimes controversy isn't a bad thing...but I have something to say to all of the courageous and brilliant anonymous commentators out there--- if you want to be controversial, at least have the stones (can I say "stones" on the Blaze Blog?) to attach your name to it.
For example, I have heard very little said of perhaps one of the most significant changes in the Blaze attack that led to victory against the Tennessee compared to the two opening defeats. In the 3rd season match, Dan Parmet stepped up as the head team manager playing a technically superb and inspirational role. Does this mean that Glenn Panner might become the Chicago Blaze's version of past NY Yankee first baseman Wally Pipp? Only time will tell....
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